Posts Tagged ‘Ground Zero Mosque’

My earlier prediction from September:

Imam Rauf decided to pick a spot near Ground Zero so that there would be an outcry… and he’ll keep stringing this along until one day when he’ll do the “honorable” and “right thing”: announce that instead of an Islamic Community Center which promotes Interfaith Understanding, he’ll build an Interfaith Center devoted equally to all religions… and the crowds will cheer and people will actually be happy about an Interfaith Center… maybe for the first time ever…


The U.N. Meddling with Religion, Part 3
The Ground Zero Imam and Interfaith Explosion

The U.N. has long been obsessed with “Interfaith” this and that… trying to cram all religions together into a big batch of New Agey mush… (and perhaps injecting it with the green tinge of Gaia/Earth worship?)

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is involved with at least two of these U.N.-connected Interfaith organizations: the Interfaith Center of New York… (he’s a Vice Chair of the Center) and the Temple of Understanding
